Sunday, 16 September 2012

The Music of Love

This is a love story my lady and I are writing together.  We're aiming to publish half a chapter a week.  It's the story of Lucinda Grady from Beauville, a country town in Victoria, and how (to her surprise) she finds love.


  1. How did the idea come up (of penning a novel together with your lady)? Your idea or hers? Will there be any gay shaded or mixed orientation relationships in the novel? I think I'll ask my lady to read it together with me, because joint reading would serve as an interesting counterpoint to joint writing.

    1. We are both writers. We often talk about ideas for stories. She is a much better writer than me, but she says she struggles with plots. I have no problem with that. I'm a very slow typist (dyslexia, unskilled, eyesight); she's a very fast one. So I dictate the story to her, she types it up, and we both go through it afterwards to improve the writing.

    2. As to gay-shaded characters ... we'll see!

  2. Nice start, I'm looking forward to more.
